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SteamLine: Soap Scum Removal Cleaning Tips

Soap Scum Removal Cleaning Tips
Soap scum is a combination of minerals in the water, body oils combined with the bar soap many of us use.
Soap scum is the film left behind once we are finished showering or bathing. It’s a dirty gray film left in the bathtub or shower that builds up over time.
Getting rid of soap scum in the bathroom can be a real challenge if not tackled immediately. It really isn’t something to be ignored or it’s just going to get worse.
How to Remove Soap Scum
Usually with good maintenance soap scum will just wipe away, but sometimes time gets away from us and you can’t find the opportunity to clean. (I assume that’s why you are here, right?)
Soap scum becomes like concrete when it hasn’t been cleaned on a regular basis. It can find its way on walls, tubs, shower curtains, and under hair care containers leaving stains in its wake.
When this happens, it can almost become impossible to do the work necessary for upkeep.

For professional soap scum removing, tile cleaning and tile sealing call SteamLine 540-446-3989.